Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The truth behind 3D ribbons

[Here comes another project]

Artist: Oh! a ribbon I can do that in just a minute.
Coordinator: Okay! then lets do the 1st CG presentation tomorrow morning.
Artist: Oki Dokes! lets get it on! (Smiling).. ^_^

[While doing the ribbon]
Artist: Dammit! Why the hell is it twisting like hell?! [Adjust, Adjust, Adjust]
[5 Hours have passed and still the ribbon is out of control!]
Grrr! Its just a ribbon why can't I get it right! Now I'm in big trouble. +_+ [Adjust, Adjust, Adjust]

[2 hours left just before the presentation]
Coordinator: Hey! are we done yet?
[No sleep, and still doing the ribbon]
Artist: I need some more time.
[Sweating like he ran for 10km]
Artist: I thought it was just a ribbon but I was wrong!


A ribbon floats smoothly in the air. Curls dynamically! Dances in the wind.
Looking at it, may look so easy to do BUT actually NOT.
The very first question is, How do I make a ribbon?
You make a planar surface. You do the extrude and adjustments. SIMPLE!
Second question is, How do I make it dynamic?
[Here comes the TERROR part]
This is the stage where a lot of things happen. The unexpected twisting. Uncontrollable shrinking of the ribbon. You want the ribbon to go here but a different thing happens and other worst cases.

Even the simplest 3D stuff like ribbon takes time to do and should be taken seriously. There are a lot of things to consider.

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