Friday, February 4, 2011

TVC Dept - 3D Viz

Still a work in progress personal project.I've been doing this for like 16 hours already. It doesn't have any other passes yet. Just a quick render using Global Illumination and Final Gather with the help of area lights (sphere shapes attached to the spotlight). No textures have been used so far in the second image..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

From Generalist to Specialist !!

I'm really eager to study a lot of things right at this moment and to the days that will come. I want to model some cartoon characters. Put some rigs on it. Add colors to it and put life into it. Unfortunately, I've been thinking for awhile. What field should I focus on? I can do all the Animations, Rigging, Texturing, Character/Assets Modeling, Dynamics, Cloth and other stuffs in 3D but I think It's time for me to focus into just one field of the pipeline for my sakes "IDENTITY".

... THINKING ...

I already got my plan. I'll do all the pipeline of animation and from there I will look into the output and see what is my STRENGTH! What I can do best!